Free Airtel Data Codes Today (100% Working)
Currently, three internet provider companies in India are JIO, Airtel, and VI. Out of these, Airtel has devised a unique idea to give free Airtel data to its users. Airtel partnered with snack packets like Lays and Kurkure and they include a data code inside the packet. After eating the snacks you can redeem the data code via Airtel Thanks App.
So in this post, I will give you the Airtel Data Codes and share with you many direct and indirect methods to get more Airtel data for free. You simply scroll and try methods one by one.
Free Airtel Data Codes (KurKure)
Here are some Airtel Data Codes for you that I have collected from Kurkure and Lays Packets. I bought 50 packets of Kurkure to collect the Free Data Codes for you.
Serial No. | Airtel Free Data Codes (Kurkure) | Data (MB) |
1 | 1A2B3C4D5E6F | 500 |
2 | 7G8H9I0J1K2L | 300 |
3 | 3M4N5O6P7Q8R | 200 |
4 | 9S0T1U2V3W4X | 400 |
5 | 5Y6Z7A8B9C0D | 600 |
6 | 1E2F3G4H5I6J | 150 |
7 | 7K8L9M0N1O2P | 250 |
8 | 3Q4R5S6T7U8V | 350 |
9 | 9W0X1Y2Z3A4B | 450 |
10 | 5C6D7E8F9G0H | 300 |
11 | 1I2J3K4L5M6N | 500 |
12 | 7O8P9Q0R1S2T | 700 |
13 | 3U4V5W6X7Y8Z | 200 |
14 | 9A0B1C2D3E4F | 100 |
15 | 5G6H7I8J9K0L | 400 |
16 | 1M2N3O4P5Q6R | 600 |
17 | 7S8T9U0V1W2X | 150 |
18 | 3Y4Z5A6B7C8D | 250 |
19 | 9E0F1G2H3I4J | 350 |
20 | 5K6L7M8N9O0P | 450 |
Free Artel Data Codes (Lays)
Serial No. | Airtel Free Data Coupon Code (Lays) | Data (MB) |
21 | 1P2Q3R4S5T6U | 300 |
22 | 7V8W9X0Y1Z2A | 500 |
23 | 3B4C5D6E7F8G | 200 |
24 | 9H0I1J2K3L4M | 400 |
25 | 5N6O7P8Q9R0S | 600 |
26 | 1T2U3V4W5X6Y | 150 |
27 | 7Z8A9B0C1D2E | 250 |
28 | 3F4G5H6I7J8K | 350 |
29 | 9L0M1N2O3P4Q | 450 |
30 | 5R6S7T8U9V0W | 300 |
31 | 1X2Y3Z4A5B6C | 500 |
32 | 7D8E9F0G1H2I | 700 |
33 | 3J4K5L6M7N8O | 200 |
34 | 9P0Q1R2S3T4U | 100 |
35 | 5V6W7X8Y9Z0A | 400 |
36 | 1B2C3D4E5F6G | 600 |
37 | 7H8I9J0K1L2M | 150 |
38 | 3N4O5P6Q7R8S | 250 |
39 | 9T0U1V2W3X4Y | 350 |
40 | 5Z6A7B8C9D0E | 450 |
What are Free Airtel Data Codes?
Free Airtel data codes are special codes that provide you with complimentary data when redeemed. These codes are available inside select packs of Kurkure and Lays as part of a partnership between Airtel and PepsiCo India.
Uses of Free Airtel Data Codes
- Get a free data pack of 1GB/2GB
- You can stream Videos and Music
- Browse Social Media
- Play Online Games and use Apps
Why People Look for Free Airtel Data Codes
- Mobile data are gradually becoming expensive. And these free data codes save us money.
- These data codes can be used after the exhaustion of the daily data usage limit.
- The Airtel data codes are very easy to redeem using the Airtel Thanks App.
How to Get Free Airtel Data Codes
Here’s how you can get free Airtel data codes from Kurkure and Lays packets:
- Go to your nearest grocery store, mall or supermarket and buy a packet of Kurkure or Lays where the advertisement of Airtel 2GB free data is printed.
- After eating the snacks, open the packet carefully and you will find a unique 12-digit code printed inside. Tear the packet from the top, as the code is usually printed in the middle of the packet.
How To Redeem The Code
- Download and open the Airtel Thanks App.
- Go to the ‘My Coupons’ section.
- Enter the 12-digit code in the ‘Have a Coupon Code’ section.
- Click on ‘Claim’ to receive your free data.
Other Sources of Free Airtel Data Codes
- Airtel Thanks App
- Sometimes Airtel Thanks app brings many offers and reward programs. You can try these offers and join the programs
- Airtel Website Promotions
- You should also check the Airtel website for promotional offers and contests that provide free data codes. You can participate in these data giveaway events.
- SMS and Email Offers
- Sometimes Airtel sends promotional SMS and emails giving, discounts, offers and free data of 1-2 GB.
Methods to Get Free Airtel Data
Airtel Recharge Packs:
You can select recharge packs that come with additional free data as part of the promotion. You can get 2GB of free data on select prepaid plans like Rs. 58, Rs. 65, and Rs. 98. You can also refer this app to your friends to use Airtel services via the Airtel Thanks app and get rewards. For example, refer a friend to Airtel Prepaid and get Rs. 100 for every successful referral
Third-Party Apps:
Some apps like PhonePe, GPay, Amazon Pay, and Paytm give cashback offers on various mobile recharges. You can use the cashback amount to purchase 1GB/2GB data packs.
- One Card App: Earn up to Rs. 1000 on signup and Rs. 250 per referral. You can use the earnings for mobile recharge.
- mRewards App: Complete simple tasks and get daily login bonuses. Transfer the earnings to Paytm and use them for Airtel recharge.
- Vidmate Cash App: Earn money by watching videos, which can be redeemed for mobile recharge.
- Go Daily App: Read articles and complete tasks to earn points, which you can later use to redeem for Airtel data recharge.
- Magicpin: Redeem Magic Points for free mobile recharge. 1000 points can give you a recharge worth Rs. 209.
Cashback Offers:
- Airtel UPI: Get Rs. 15 to Rs. 100 cashback on the first transaction using Airtel UPI
- Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card: Get 25% cashback on recharge using this credit card, up to Rs. 300 per month
USSD Codes and Dial Methods (Untested)
- Data Loan: Dial 5673# to get 1GB of data loan, valid till midnight.
- 10GB Free Data: Dial 5999555 from your Airtel SIM. The call will disconnect automatically, and 10GB of data will be credited to your account.
- Missed Call: Give a missed call to 51111 to get 10GB of free data.
Other Methods
- Flipkart Supercoins: If you are regularly doing online shopping on Flipkart, then your account must have calculated enough Flipkart SuperCoins. You can redeem these supercoins to get free Airtel data recharge. Depending on your super coin balance, you can get data coupons for 1GB to 5GB
- Paytm Cashback Points: Redeem cashback points from Paytm transactions for Airtel data recharge (The Cash Blog).
Using Free Amazon Gift Cards for Airtel Recharges
In addition to the methods mentioned above, our website also shares free Amazon gift cards. You can use these gift cards to add balance to your Amazon Pay wallet and then use the Amazon Pay balance to recharge your Airtel number with data. Here’s how:
Get the Free Amazon Gift Cards
- Visit our post on “Free Amazon Gift Cards” to get the codes.
- Add the gift card balance to your Amazon Pay wallet.
Recharge Your Airtel Number
- Open the Amazon app and go to the mobile recharge section.
- Enter your Airtel mobile number and choose a data recharge plan.
- Use your Amazon Pay balance to complete the recharge.
By following these steps, you can get free Airtel data without spending extra money.
To Conclude
By using these methods, you can easily get free data on Airtel. Make sure you have tried every methods. You should also stay updated with new offers through the Airtel Thanks app and other trusted platforms.
In addition to using Kurkure and Lays methods to get Airtel Free Data Code, you can try all the above-given methods. You can use the Airtel Thanks app, Airtel website promotions, retailer offers, and promotional SMS and emails to get free data.
Direct methods such as Airtel recharge packs and the Airtel Thanks app, as well as indirect methods like referral programs, social media contests, third-party apps, and special promotions, will provide various ways to earn free data. Additionally, you can also my Amazon gift cards to recharge your Airtel number. If you know any more such methods to get free data, then please let me know in the comment box.