Latest Project Mugetsu Codes New

Project Mugetsu Codes 2025; Project Mugetsu is a good and popular game in  Roblox. Like all other games in Roblox, in this game too, you can unlock your full potential in this game by using special “Project Mugetsu codes.”

These codes are tools that you can use to get exclusive features, improve your gameplay, and get an edge over other players. The codes offer all kinds of benefits in this particular game of Roblox. I will discuss them later in this blog

Before that, let me give you all the latest Mugestu Codes in Roblox. Here is the code list in the table.

Mugestu Codes in Roblox

160KLIKES2Redeem for 10 Legendary orbs and 5 ability rerolls
SorryForShutdown5Redeem for 1 Legendary orb and 50 Spins
ExtraCode1Redeem for Spins and Orbs (New)
235kFavoritesRedeem for 10 Reroll Potions and 50 Spins
SorryForShutdownAgain8Redeem for free Spins and Orbs
HeresSpinsPromisedRedeem for free Spins
OkayOkayLastShutdownSorry1Redeem for free Spins, Orbs, and Ability Reroll Potions
ClanStorageFixRedeem for 75 spins, 3 orbs
65MVisits2Redeem for Spins and Orbs (New)
OkayLastShutdownAgainSorryRedeem for 1 Ability Reroll and 30 Spins
BossFixesPt2Redeem for 400 Spins and 10 Rerolls
QuincyBowFixFinalRedeem for 50 Spins, 3 Orbs
SorryForShutdown6Redeem for 2 Legendary orbs and 35 Spins
MultiBarrageFixRedeem for Spins and Orbs
TradingHubBackRedeem for 5 ability rerolls, 3 legendary orbs
SynCodeMakeupRedeem for 2 Legendary orbs and 85 spins
SorryForShutdownAgainLastTime1Redeem for 3 Legendary orbs and 50 Spins
SorryForShutdownAgainForFixes3Redeem for 3 leg orbs 100 spins
SorryForShutdown5000Redeem for 100K Gold and 10 EXP Potions
MoreBalanceChanges2Redeem for 50 spins, 5 reroll pots
SorryForShutdownAgain3Redeem for 80 Spins and 10 Orbs
HaddaShutdownCountdownResetRedeem for 100 Spins and 5 Rerolls
NewRankedWeaponsRedeem for 3 Orbs, 50 Spins
SorryForShutdownAgainForFixes3Redeem for 3 leg orbs 100 spins
SorryTradersRedeem for Orbs, Gold, Ability Reroll Potions, and Spins
60MVisits1Redeem for 10 Reroll Potions and 50 Spins
150kLikesRedeem for 100 Spins, 10 Orbs
RaceResetPotionFixAgainRedeem for 3 Race Resets
60MVisits2Redeem for 3 Legendary Orbs and 150 Spins
SorryForItemInconvienceRedeem for 5 ability rerolls and 2 leg orbs

Expired Project Megutsu Codes

65MVisits1Redeem for Spins and Orbs (New)
YhwachSwordFixRedeem for 100 Spins and 5 Rerolls
SorryShutdownNeededFixedProblemsRedeem for 400 Spins and 15 Rerolls
IdidntshutdownRedeem for 400 Spins and 15 Rerolls
AightLastShutdownFrFrRedeem for Orbs, Gold, Ability Reroll Potions, and Spins
GoldMakeupRedeem for 50k Gold
ShutdownSorryNeededFixesRedeem for Ability Reroll Potions and free Spins
NewResAbilityRedeem for 12 Ability Rerolls
AfkWorldChangesRedeem for 15 spins and 50k gold
MoreBalanceChanges2Redeem for 50 spins, 5 reroll pots
HaschwalthClanRedeem for 80 Spins
StarrkClanRedeem for 80 Spins
Luppi1KFollowsRedeem for 30 spins, 12 ability rerolls, 50k gold
SorryForGiftBugAgainRedeem for 3 orbs, 12 reroll ability potions, and 100 Spins
SorryForInconvenienceRedeem for 5 leg orbs, 50 spins, 3 reroll ability, 80k gold
CheaperSpinsRedeem for 50 Spins
GoodbyeExcaliburRedeem for 10 Reroll Potions, 25 Spins
SorryForCarelessPotionResetRedeem for 10 Reroll ability points
SpinConfirmationRedeem for 50 Spins
ChangesAgainSorryForShutdownRedeem for 1 Legendary Orb, 1 Ability Potion and 20 Spins
USECODESINMAINMENURedeem for 200 Spins, 5 Orbs
CrispyReasonForBugsRedeem for 200 Spins, 5 Orbs
TYALLRedeem for 3 Race Resets, 1 Hour Boost on 2x on EXP
MoreXboxFixesRedeem for 100k Gold, 1 Ability Potion, 1 Hour Boost on 2x on EXP / Mastery
AgainSorryForShutdownRedeem for 25 spins, 2 Orbs
UPDATE2MoreRerollsRedeem for 100 Spins, 5 Orbs
UPDATE2MoreRerolls2Redeem for 100 Spins, 5 Orbs
UPDATE2MoreRaceResetRedeem for 2 Race Resets
FirstBalanceChangeRedeem for 25 Spins, 3 Orbs
BlackButlerPublicSchoolArcRedeem for 182 Spins, 3 Orbs
TestOrbCodeRedeem for 2 Orbs
  1. MultiBarrageFix – Spins and Orbs (NEW) (Expires 5/15/2024)
  2. SorryForShutdownAgain8 – Spins and Orbs (NEW) (Expires 5/14/2024)
  3. SynCodeMakeup – Redeem code for 85 spins and 2 legendary orbs (Expires 5/11/2024)
  4. Syn3KFollowers – Redeem code for 185 spins and 10 legendary orbs (Expires 5/11/2024)
  5. 160KLIKES1 – 150 spins / 85k gold (Expires 5/10/2024)
  6. 235KMembers – Redeem this code for 3 Orbs, 2 Reroll Potions, 100 spins (Expires 5/10/2024)
  7. SorryForRaidLives – 5 ability rerolls, 50 spins (Expires 5/3/2024)
  8. QuincyBowFixFinal – 50 Spins, 3 Orbs (Expires 5/1/2024)
  9. Antic1000Followers – 3 orbs, 20 spins (Expires 5/1/2024)
  10. MoreQolAndBalances – 1 orb, 5 ability rerolls, 25 spins (Expires 5/1/2024)
  11. SorryForInconvenience – 5 legendary orbs, 50 spins, 3 Ability Reroll, 80k gold (Expires 4/30/2024)
  12. CheaperSpins – 50 spins (Expires 4/30)
  13. 80KLIKES – Reroll Ability
  14. HERESTHESPINS – 85 Spins
  15. SORRY4DASHUTDOWN – Reroll Ability
  16. THANKSFOR200KMEMBERS – Reroll Ability
  17. EASTERUPDATE – Race Reset
  18. FIRSTWEEKISOVER – 1 hour 2x mastery
  19. 60KLIKES – 30 Spins
  22. SORRYFORPINGS – 75 Spins
  23. SOULSOCIETYISBACK – 30 minute Gold Boost and Mastery Boost (If you redeem this in Main Menu it will Reroll Your Ability)
  24. 10MVISITS – 50 Spins
  25. EXCUSETHESHUTDOWN2 – Reroll Ability (If you redeem this in the Main Menu, it will give you boosts)

About Mugetsu codes in Roblox

This  Roblox game named “Project Mugetsu” has a unique theme and story that includes adventure, combat, and strategy. You can take part in various activities, level up your character, and explore new areas while interacting with other passionate gamers.

In “Project Mugetsu,” you can use codes to unlock different features, coins, or exclusive items. The game developers usually release these codes, which you can find on social media, or during special events. When you redeem these codes, you will get in-game currency, special abilities, or rare items.

Using “Project Mugetsu” codes can benefit you in several ways:

  1. Access to Special Features: The codes will unlock unique features or content.
  2. Ability Rerolls: Some codes also give you options to change your character’s abilities.
  3. Legendary Orbs: These are rare items that can be used to upgrade or unlock powerful abilities and items.
  4. Clan Spins: These spins are used to get new clan abilities or traits, which can improve your character’s performance.
  5. Boosts: Temporary boosts will increase your experience (EXP), gold, and mastery points.
  6. Race Resets: These allow you to change your character’s race.

How to Find Project Mugetsu Codes

  1. Official Social Media Channels: Follow the official “Project Mugetsu” pages on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The developers keep sharing the new codes during events, updates, or promotions.
  2. Discord Servers: Join the “Project Mugetsu” Discord server. This is a great place to get codes, as the community and developers frequently share them there.
  3. Reddit: Check subreddits related to Roblox or “Project Mugetsu” where players discuss the game and share codes.
  4. Facebook Groups: Look for Roblox or “Project Mugetsu” specific Facebook groups where members often post about recent codes.
  5. Trello: The game’s Trello board is another good source. Trello has sections dedicated to new updates and the latest codes.
  6. Our Own Website: You can visit our website We collect codes from various legal sources in one place.

How to Redeem Codes

  • Open a web browser on your device and go to the Roblox code redemption page
  • Make sure you are logged in to your Roblox account
  • In the text box, enter the Project Mugetsu code that you have copied from our website.
  • Click the “Redeem” button to confirm and get your reward.

Some Roblox games allow you to redeem codes only in the Roblox  app. So if the above steps don’t work, you can open the game in the Roblox app and then redeem the code directly in the app.


I and my small team always keep you updated by frequently adding the updated Project Mugetsu codes on our website. You need to stay updated with our website to get the newest codes.

You should be active on various communities such as forums, social media, and sites like to get the latest codes and insider tips.

You can also contribute to the gaming community by sharing your experiences and new codes if you have obtained them from an anonymous source.

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